The EFM2024 takes place!

The EFM2023 was very successful! We relaxed a bit but we are already back and planning the next event.

We found a “new” team and had first meetings with the hotel.

After the EFM is before the EFM. 2024 will take place!

We need your help!

To plan the EFM2024 we need Donations!

Cause without any donations in front, we cannot plan very exactly. Contracts cannot be made, and therefore no promises for a program or to the hotel.

If everyone of you is giving, the EFM2024 can become awesome! You can donatevia bank trasfer or Paypal. Every cent counts! And as you know, still non-profit, non-commercial and transparent online visible for everyone to see.

Don’t miss anything and join our newsletter.

We have read your Feedback and try our best to follow it along.

Whatever we plan you will know here and on our social media profiles.

Tipp: Follow our Newsletter and be the first to know about news.

Hotel reservation:

The booking will be (hopefully) possible around mid/end August. But you will be notified as soon as it is possible!

We can’t wait for 2024!
Best your EFM2024-Team